Tag: bioinformatics

Research Highlight: Finn McMillan ’24 Works to Optimize Plant Growth for Sustainable Production of Biofuels 

For his senior thesis, bbin娱乐平台 senior Finn McMillan ‘24 is working in partnership with Boston University’s Daniel Segrè Lab to investigate the optimization of plant growth for the sustainable and affordable production of consumer biofuels.  Finn was first introduced to the Segrè lab when he toured it as part of the STEM Seminar in his […]

Summer Research Highlight: Genomic and Computational Approaches to Gene Regulation with Dr. John Quackenbush P’24

Each cell in our body contains a set of instructions, encoded in a molecule called DNA, that helps determine both our traits—including things like height, weight, hair color—and our individual risk of developing diseases such as diabetes or cancer. DNA is a long-chain polymer, and these instructions are encoded in the DNA “sequence” (the series […]